* Purpose: Basic edged graph and operations.
* NOTE: A model instance may not be the whole graph, just a
* subgraph--this is the difference between nodes and
* named_nodes. nodes are real things, while named_nodes are things
* referenced by edges.
* Check TODOs, we would like everything as linear as possible.
* TODO: memoize everything but add_*. Functional enough that it
* should work if we just empty the caches after every add_* op.
* @module bbop-graph
var us = require('underscore');
var each = us.each;
var keys = us.keys;
var bbop = require('bbop-core');
/// Okay, first off, definitions and prototypes of everything we need
/// to work.
// Common point for assigning the default predicate in here.
var default_predicate = 'points_at';
/// Node sub-object.
* Contructor for a BBOP graph model node.
* @constructor
* @param {string} new_id - a unique id for the node
* @param {string} new_label - (optional) a user-friendly description of the node
* @returns {this} new bbop model node
function node(new_id, new_label){
this._is_a = 'bbop-graph.node';
this._id = new_id || null;
this._label = new_label || null;
// Only have a real type if the constructor went properly.
this._type = 'node';
this._metadata = null;
* Getter/setter for node id.
* @param {string} value - (optional) new value for this property to take
* @returns {string} string
node.prototype.id = function(value){
if(value){ this._id = value; }
return this._id;
* Getter/setter for node type.
* @param {string} value - (optional) new value for this property to take
* @returns {string} string
node.prototype.type = function(value){
if(value){ this._type = value; }
return this._type; };
* Getter/setter for node label.
* @param {string} value - (optional) new value for this property to take
* @returns {string} string
node.prototype.label = function(value){
if(value){ this._label = value; }
return this._label;
* Getter/setter for node metadata.
* The metadata value does not necessarily have to be an atomic type.
* @param {any} value - (optional) new value for this property to take
* @returns {any} value
node.prototype.metadata = function(value){
if( typeof(value) !== 'undefined' ){
this._metadata = value;
return this._metadata;
* Get a fresh new copy of the current node (using bbop.clone for
* metadata object). This includes copying the ID--you'd have to
* change it on your own.
* @returns {node} node
node.prototype.clone = function(){
// Base.
var new_clone = new node();
// ID.
// Label.
// Type.
// Meta.
return new_clone;
/// Edge sub-object.
* Contructor for a BBOP graph model edge.
* If no predicate is given, <default_predicate> is used.
* Predicates are currently treated as raw strings.
* Note that these edges have no ID associated with them.
* @constructor
* @param {string} subject - node id string or node
* @param {string} object - node id string or node
* @param {string} predicate - (optional) a user-friendly description of the node
* @returns {edge} bbop model edge
function edge(subject, object, predicate){
this._is_a = 'bbop-graph.edge';
if( ! subject || ! object ){
throw new Error('incomplete arguments for new edge');
* The predicate we'll use when none other is defined. You can
* probably safely ignore this if all of the edges in your graph are
* the same.
* @variable
this.default_predicate = default_predicate;
// Either a string or a node.
if( typeof(subject) === 'string' ){
this._subject_id = subject;
}else if( subject.id && typeof(subject.id) === 'function' ){
this._subject_id = subject.id();
throw new Error('cannot parse subject argument for edge');
// Either a string or a node.
if( typeof(object) === 'string' ){
this._object_id = object;
}else if( object.id && typeof(object.id) === 'function' ){
this._object_id = object.id();
throw new Error('cannot parse object argument for edge');
// Predicate default or incoming.
this._predicate_id = this.default_predicate;
if( predicate ){
this._predicate_id = predicate;
// Only have a real type if the constructor went properly.
this._type = 'edge';
this._metadata = null;
* Getter/setter for edge subject id.
* @returns {string} string
edge.prototype.subject_id = function(){
return this._subject_id;
* Getter/setter for edge object id.
* @returns {string} string
edge.prototype.object_id = function(){
return this._object_id;
* Getter/setter for edge predicate id.
* @returns {string} string
edge.prototype.predicate_id = function(){
return this._predicate_id;
* Getter/setter for edge type.
* @param {String} value - (optional) new value for this property to take
* @returns {String} string
edge.prototype.type = function(value){
if( typeof(value) !== 'undefined' ){
this._type = value;
return this._type;
* Getter/setter for edge metadata.
* The metadata value does not necessarily have to be an atomic type.
* @param {any} value - (optional) new value for this property to take
* @returns {any} value
edge.prototype.metadata = function(value){
if( typeof(value) !== 'undefined' ){
this._metadata = value;
return this._metadata;
* Get a fresh new copy of the current edge (using bbop.clone for
* metadata object).
* @returns {edge} - new copy of edge
edge.prototype.clone = function(){
// Base.
var new_clone = new edge(this.subject_id(),
// Predicate.
new_clone.default_predicate = this.default_predicate;
// Type.
// Metadata.
return new_clone;
/// Graph sub-object.
* Contructor for a BBOP graph model graph.
* TODO: make compilation piecewise with every added node and edge.
* @constructor
* @returns {graph} bbop model graph
function graph(){
this._is_a = 'bbop-graph.graph';
* The predicate we'll use when none other is defined. You can
* probably safely ignore this if all of the edges in your graph are
* the same.
* @variable
this.default_predicate = default_predicate;
this._id = null;
// A per-graph logger.
this._logger = new bbop.logger(this._is_a);
this._logger.DEBUG = true;
//this._logger.DEBUG = false;
//function ll(str){ anchor._logger.kvetch(str); }
// For node and edge (hash not possible for edges--only relation,
// not "real").
this._nodes = {}; // node_id -> node
this._edge_list = []; // just an easy access list (hard to pull from sop)
this._predicates = {}; // reference count
// Useful for things like leaves, roots, dangling, and
// singletons--all things referenced by edges.
this._subjects = {}; // reference count
this._objects = {}; // reference count
// New parallel structures to for our simplified graph.
this._so_table = {}; // reference count
this._os_table = {}; // reference count
this._sop_table = {}; // [sub][obj][pred] = edge
// Table structures for quick lookups of node properties.
this._is_a_singleton_lookup = {}; // node_id -> true
* Create an edge for use in internal operations.
* @param {string} subject - node id string or node
* @param {string} object - node id string or node
* @param {string} predicate - (optional) a user-friendly description of the node
* @returns {edge} bbop model edge
graph.prototype.create_edge = function(subject, object, predicate){
return new edge(subject, object, predicate);
* Create a node for use in internal operations.
* @param {string} new_id - a unique id for the node
* @param {string} new_label - (optional) a user-friendly description of the node
* @returns {node} new bbop model node
graph.prototype.create_node = function(new_id, new_label){
return new node(new_id, new_label);
* Create a graph for use in internal operations.
* @returns {graph} bbop model graph
graph.prototype.create_graph = function(){
return new graph();
* Create a clone of the graph.
* @returns {graph} bbop model graph
graph.prototype.clone = function(){
var anchor = this;
var new_graph = anchor.create_graph();
// Collect the nodes and edges.
each(anchor.all_nodes(), function(node){
//console.log('nid: ' + node.id());
each(anchor.all_edges(), function(edge){
//console.log('eid: ' + edge.subject());
// Collect other information.
new_graph.default_predicate = anchor.default_predicate;
new_graph._id = anchor._id;
return new_graph;
* Getter/setter for the graph id.
* @param {string} value - (optional) new value for this property to take
* @returns {string} string
graph.prototype.id = function(value){
if( value ){ this._id = value; }
return this._id;
* Add a node to the graph.
* @param {node} node - node to add to the graph
graph.prototype.add_node = function(node){
// Check for anything funny.
if( ! node.id() ){
throw new Error("no anonymous nodes: " + node.id());
var nid = node.id();
// Add it to all the concerned recall data structures.
this._nodes[ nid ] = node;
// If this does not belong to any relation so far, then it is a
// singleton.
if( ! this._subjects[ nid ] && ! this._objects[ nid ] ){
this._is_a_singleton_lookup[ nid ] = true;
* Remove a node from the graph.
* @param {String} node_id - the id for a node
* @param {Boolean} clean_p - (optional) remove all edges connects to node (default false)
* @returns {Boolean} true if node found and destroyed
graph.prototype.remove_node = function(node_id, clean_p){
var anchor = this;
var ret = false;
// Only remove extant nodes.
if( anchor.get_node(node_id) ){
ret = true;
// Add it to all the concerned recall data structures.
delete anchor._nodes[ node_id ];
// Non-extant nodes are not singletons.
delete anchor._is_a_singleton_lookup[ node_id ];
// Dispose of any associated edges.
if( clean_p ){
// Find all the possible extant edges.
var edge_pairs = [];
if( anchor._so_table[ node_id ] ){
each(keys(anchor._so_table[node_id] ), function(obj_id){
edge_pairs.push([node_id, obj_id]);
if( anchor._os_table[ node_id ] ){
each(keys(anchor._os_table[node_id] ), function(sub_id){
edge_pairs.push([sub_id, node_id]);
// Remove the edges from these pairs.
each(edge_pairs, function(pair){
var expanded_edges = anchor.get_edges(pair[0], pair[1]);
each(expanded_edges, function(edge){
return ret;
* Add an edge to the graph.
* @param {edge} edge - edge to add to the graph
graph.prototype.add_edge = function(edge){
var sub_id = edge.subject_id();
var obj_id = edge.object_id();
var pred_id = edge.predicate_id();
// First, attempt to remove the edge.
var is_new_triple = true;
if( this.remove_edge(sub_id, obj_id, pred_id) ){
is_new_triple = false;
// Subject -> object -> refcount.
if( ! this._so_table[ sub_id ] ){ this._so_table[ sub_id ] = {}; }
if( typeof(this._so_table[ sub_id ][ obj_id ]) === 'undefined' ){
this._so_table[ sub_id ][ obj_id ] = 0;
this._so_table[ sub_id ][ obj_id ]++;
// Object -> subject -> refcount.
if( ! this._os_table[ obj_id ] ){ this._os_table[ obj_id ] = {}; }
if( typeof(this._os_table[ obj_id ][ sub_id ]) === 'undefined' ){
this._os_table[ obj_id ][ sub_id ] = 0;
this._os_table[ obj_id ][ sub_id ]++;
// Subject -> object -> predicate -> edge.
if( ! this._sop_table[ sub_id ] ){
this._sop_table[ sub_id ] = {}; }
if( ! this._sop_table[ sub_id ][ obj_id ] ){
this._sop_table[ sub_id ][obj_id] = {}; }
// Blow away old either way--new or replacement.
this._sop_table[ sub_id ][ obj_id ][ pred_id ] = edge;
// If this is a new predicate, count of 1; otherwise increment
// only if this is a new edge.
if( ! this._predicates[ pred_id ] ){
this._predicates[ pred_id ] = 1;
// Only increment if it's a new triple (pred).
if( is_new_triple ){ this._predicates[ pred_id ]++; }
// Update reference counts for subjects.
if( ! this._subjects[ sub_id ] ){
this._subjects[ sub_id ] = 1;
// Only increment if it's a new triple (pred).
if( is_new_triple ){ this._subjects[ sub_id ]++; }
// Update reference counts for objects.
if( ! this._objects[ obj_id ] ){
this._objects[ obj_id ] = 1;
// Only increment if it's a new triple (pred).
if( is_new_triple ){ this._objects[ obj_id ]++; }
// Remove the edge's subject and object from the singleton
// table--they are now referenced by something.
if( this._is_a_singleton_lookup[ sub_id ] ){
delete this._is_a_singleton_lookup[ sub_id ]; }
if( this._is_a_singleton_lookup[ obj_id ] ){
delete this._is_a_singleton_lookup[ obj_id ]; }
// Onto the array and subject and object into named bodies.
* Remove an edge to the graph.
* The edge as referenced.
* @param {String} subject_id - subject by ID
* @param {String} object_id - object by ID
* @param {String} predicate_id - (Optional) predicate ID or default
* @returns {Boolean} true if such an edge was found and deleted, false otherwise
graph.prototype.remove_edge = function(subject_id, object_id, predicate_id){
// Ensure predicate.
if( ! predicate_id ){ predicate_id = this.default_predicate; }
// First determine if such an edge exists.
var ret = false;
var edge = this.get_edge(subject_id, object_id, predicate_id);
if( edge ){
ret = true; // looks like we have it.
// Does this subject appear elsewhere? Decrement or eliminate
// as necessary.
if( this._subjects[ subject_id ] === 1 ){
delete this._subjects[ subject_id ];
this._subjects[ subject_id ]--;
// Does this object appear elsewhere? Decrement or eliminate
// as necessary.
if( this._objects[ object_id ] === 1 ){
delete this._objects[ object_id ];
this._objects[ object_id ]--;
// Does this predicate appear elsewhere? Decrement or
// eliminate as necessary.
if( this._predicates[ predicate_id ] === 1 ){
delete this._predicates[ predicate_id ];
this._predicates[ predicate_id ]--;
// Remove from SOP. Don't need to do more as SOP is not
// probed, just used as a lookup.
delete this._sop_table[ subject_id ][ object_id ][ predicate_id ];
// Remove from edge_list.
this._edge_list = us.reject(this._edge_list, function(edge){
var ret = false;
if( edge.subject_id() === subject_id &&
edge.object_id() === object_id &&
edge.predicate_id() === predicate_id ){
ret = true;
return ret;
// SO rels decrement or eliminate.
if( this._so_table[ subject_id ][ object_id ] === 1 ){
delete this._so_table[ subject_id ][ object_id ];
this._so_table[ subject_id ][ object_id ]--;
// OS rels decrement or eliminate.
if( this._os_table[ object_id ][ subject_id ] === 1 ){
delete this._os_table[ object_id ][ subject_id ];
this._os_table[ object_id ][ subject_id ]--;
// Do we make any singletons with this removal?
// Was the subject singletoned?
if( this._nodes[subject_id] && // can't singleton if not there
! this._subjects[ subject_id ] && ! this._objects[ subject_id ] ){
this._is_a_singleton_lookup[ subject_id ] = true;
// Was the object singletoned?
if( this._nodes[object_id] && // can't singleton if not there
! this._subjects[ object_id ] && ! this._objects[ object_id ] ){
this._is_a_singleton_lookup[ object_id ] = true;
// Anybody to be removed from the list of dangling?
// TODO: named_nodes no more?
return ret;
* Returns an /original/ list of all added nodes.
* @returns {Array} array of {node}
graph.prototype.all_nodes = function(){
return us.values(this._nodes);
* Returns an /original/ list of all added edges.
* @returns {Array} array of {edge}
graph.prototype.all_edges = function(){
return this._edge_list;
* Returns an /original/ list of all added predicates.
* @returns {Array} array of predicates (strings)
graph.prototype.all_predicates = function(){
return keys(this._predicates);
* List all external nodes by referenced id.
* @returns {Array} array of strings: external nodes by id
graph.prototype.all_dangling = function(){
var anchor = this;
// All named nodes, real or not (edge view).
var named_nodes = keys(this._subjects).concat( keys(this._objects) );
// Disjoint of named and extant.
var unnamed = [];
each(named_nodes, function(named_id){
if( ! anchor._nodes[named_id] ){
return unnamed;
* Any bad parts in graph? Essentially, make sure that there are no
* weird references and nothing is dangling.
* @returns {Boolean} boolean
graph.prototype.is_complete = function(){
var retval = true;
if( this.all_dangling().length > 0 ){
retval = false;
return retval;
* Return a /copy/ of a node by id (not the original) if extant.
* @param {string} nid - the id of the node we're looking for
* @returns {node} - copy of bbop model node
graph.prototype.get_node = function(nid){
var retnode = null;
if( this._nodes[ nid ] ){
var tmp_node = this._nodes[ nid ];
retnode = tmp_node.clone();
return retnode;
* Return a /copy/ of an edge by ids (not the original) if extant.
* @param {string} sub_id - the subject_id of the edge we're looking for
* @param {string} obj_id - the object_id of the edge we're looking for
* @param {string} pred - (optional) the predicate of the edge we're looking for
* @returns {edge} - copy of bbop model edge
graph.prototype.get_edge = function(sub_id, obj_id, pred){
if( ! pred ){ pred = this.default_predicate; }
var ret_edge = null;
if( this._sop_table[sub_id] &&
this._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id] &&
this._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id][pred] ){
var tmp_edge = this._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id][pred];
ret_edge = tmp_edge.clone();
return ret_edge;
* Return all edges (copies) of given subject and object ids. Returns
* entirely new edges.
* @param {String} sub_id - the subject_id of the edge we're looking for
* @param {String} obj_id - the object_id of the edge we're looking for
* @returns {Array} list of <edge>
graph.prototype.get_edges = function(sub_id, obj_id){
var anchor = this;
var retlist = [];
if( anchor._sop_table[sub_id] && anchor._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id] ){
each(keys(anchor._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id]), function(pred){
var found_edge = anchor._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id][pred];
var tmp_edge = found_edge.clone();
return retlist;
* Return all edges (copies) of given subject id. Returns entirely new
* edges.
* @param {String} sub_id - the subject_id of the edge we're looking for
* @returns {Array} list of <edge>
graph.prototype.get_edges_by_subject = function(sub_id){
var anchor = this;
var retlist = [];
if( anchor._so_table[sub_id] ){
each(keys(anchor._so_table[sub_id]), function(obj_id){
retlist = retlist.concat(anchor.get_edges(sub_id, obj_id));
return retlist;
* Return all edges (copies) of given object id. Returns entirely new
* edges.
* @param {String} obj_id - the object_id of the edge we're looking for
* @returns {Array} list of <edge>
graph.prototype.get_edges_by_object = function(obj_id){
var anchor = this;
var retlist = [];
if( anchor._os_table[obj_id] ){
each(keys(anchor._os_table[obj_id]), function(sub_id){
retlist = retlist.concat(anchor.get_edges(sub_id, obj_id));
return retlist;
* Return all predicates of given subject and object ids.
* @param {String} sub_id - the subject_id of the edge we're looking for
* @param {String} obj_id - the object_id of the edge we're looking for
* @returns {Array} list of predicate ids (as strings)
graph.prototype.get_predicates = function(sub_id, obj_id){
var anchor = this;
var retlist = [];
if( anchor._sop_table[sub_id] && anchor._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id] ){
each(keys(anchor._sop_table[sub_id][obj_id]), function(pred){
return retlist;
* Translate an edge array into extant (node) bodies, switching on
* either 'subject' or 'object'.
* This will return the /original/ nodes.
* This will throw an error on any world issues that crop up.
* @param {Array} in_edges - list if {edge} we want the subjects or objects of
* @param {String} target - 'subject' or 'object'
* @returns {Array} list of {node}
graph.prototype.edges_to_nodes = function(in_edges, target){
var anchor = this;
// Double check.
if( target !== 'subject' && target !== 'object'){
throw new Error('Bad target for edges to bodies.');
var results = [];
each(in_edges, function(in_e){
// Switch between subject and object.
var target_id = null;
if( target === 'subject' ){
target_id = in_e.subject_id();
target_id = in_e.object_id();
if( target_id && anchor._nodes[ target_id ] ){
results.push(anchor._nodes[ target_id ]);
throw new Error(target + ' world issue');
return results;
* Roots are defined as nodes who are the subject of nothing,
* independent of predicate.
* @param {string} nb_id - id of the node to check
* @returns {boolean} - boolean
graph.prototype.is_root_node = function(nb_id){
var result = false;
if( this._nodes[ nb_id ] && ! this._subjects[ nb_id ] ){
result = true;
return result;
* Return a list of /copies/ of the root nodes.
* BUG/TODO: Could I speed this up by my moving some of the
* calculation into the add_node and add_edge methods? O(|num(nodes)|)
* @returns {Array} list of {node}
graph.prototype.get_root_nodes = function(){
var anchor = this;
var results = [];
each(keys(anchor._nodes ), function(nb_id){
if( anchor.is_root_node(nb_id) ){
results.push( anchor.get_node(nb_id).clone() );
return results;
* Leaves are defined as nodes who are the object of nothing,
* independent of predicate.
* @param {string} nb_id - id of the node to check
* @returns {boolean} - boolean
graph.prototype.is_leaf_node = function(nb_id){
var result = false;
if( this._nodes[ nb_id ] && ! this._objects[ nb_id ] ){
result = true;
return result;
* Return a list of /copies/ of the leaf nodes.
* BUG/TODO: Could I speed this up by my moving some of the
* calculation into the add_node and add_edge methods? O(|num(nodes)|)
* @returns {Array} list of {node}
graph.prototype.get_leaf_nodes = function(){
var anchor = this;
var results = [];
each(keys(anchor._nodes), function(nb_id){
if( anchor.is_leaf_node(nb_id) ){
results.push( anchor.get_node(nb_id).clone() );
return results;
* Find nodes that are roots and leaves over all relations. This
* returns the /original/ node.
* Throws an error if there is a world issue.
* @returns {Array} array of {node}
graph.prototype.get_singleton_nodes = function(){
var anchor = this;
// Translate array into array extant bodies.
var singleton_array = [];
each(keys(anchor._is_a_singleton_lookup), function(singleton_id){
if( anchor._nodes[ singleton_id ] ){
singleton_array.push( anchor._nodes[ singleton_id ] );
throw new Error("world issue in get_singletons: " + singleton_id);
return singleton_array;
* Return all parent edges; the /originals/. If no predicate is given,
* use the default one.
* TODO: it might be nice to memoize this since others depend on it.
* @param {String} nb_id - the node to consider
* @param {String} in_pred - (optional) over this predicate, defaults to all
* @returns {Array} array of <edge>
graph.prototype.get_parent_edges = function(nb_id, in_pred){
var anchor = this;
var results = [];
// Get all parents, or just parents from a specific relation.
var preds_to_use = [];
if( in_pred ){
preds_to_use = keys(this._predicates);
// Try all of our desired predicates.
each(preds_to_use, function(pred){
// Scan the table for goodies; there really shouldn't be a
// lot here.
if( anchor._so_table[ nb_id ] ){
each(keys(anchor._so_table[nb_id] ), function(obj_id){
// If it looks like something is there, try to see
// if there is an edge for our current pred.
var tmp_edge = anchor.get_edge(nb_id, obj_id, pred);
if( tmp_edge ){
results.push( tmp_edge );
return results;
* Return all child edges; the /originals/. If no predicate is given,
* use the default one.
* TODO: it might be nice to memoize this since others depend on it.
* @param {String} nb_id - the node to consider
* @param {String} in_pred - (optional) over this predicate, defaults to all
* @returns {Array} array of <edge>
graph.prototype.get_child_edges = function(nb_id, in_pred){
var anchor = this;
var results = [];
// Get all children, or just parents from a specific relation.
var preds_to_use = [];
if( in_pred ){
preds_to_use = keys(this._predicates);
// Try all of our desired predicates.
each(preds_to_use, function(pred){
// Scan the table for goodies; there really shouldn't be a
// lot here.
if( anchor._os_table[ nb_id ] ){
each(keys(anchor._os_table[nb_id] ), function(sub_id){
// If it looks like something is there, try to see
// if there is an edge for our current pred.
var tmp_edge = anchor.get_edge(sub_id, nb_id, pred);
if( tmp_edge ){
results.push( tmp_edge );
return results;
* Return all parent nodes; the /originals/. If no predicate is given,
* use the default one.
* @param {String} nb_id - the node to consider
* @param {String} in_pred - (optional) over this predicate, defaults to all
* @returns {Array} list of {node}
graph.prototype.get_parent_nodes = function(nb_id, in_pred){
var anchor = this;
var results = [];
var edges = this.get_parent_edges(nb_id, in_pred);
each(edges, function(edge){
// Make sure that any found edges are in our
// world.
var obj_id = edge.object_id();
var tmp_node = anchor.get_node(obj_id);
if( tmp_node ){
results.push( tmp_node );
return results;
* Return all child nodes; the /originals/. If no predicate is given,
* use the default one.
* @param {String} nb_id - the node to consider
* @param {String} in_pred - (optional) over this predicate, defaults to all
* @returns {Array} list of {node}
graph.prototype.get_child_nodes = function(nb_id, in_pred){
var anchor = this;
var results = [];
var edges = this.get_child_edges(nb_id, in_pred);
each(edges, function(edge){
// Make sure that any found edges are in our
// world.
var sub_id = edge.subject_id();
var tmp_node = anchor.get_node(sub_id);
if( tmp_node ){
results.push( tmp_node );
return results;
* Return a list with two nested lists, the first is a list of nodes,
* the second is a list of edges.
* The argument function takes a node id and 0 or 1 predicates,
* returns a list of edges from the node in question.
* @param {Function} walking_fun - function as described above
* @param {String|Array} nb_id_or_list - the node id(s) to consider
* @param {String} pid - (optional) over this predicate
* @returns {Array} as described above
graph.prototype.walker = function(walking_fun, nb_id_or_list, pid){
var anchor = this;
// Shared data structure to trim multiple paths.
// Nodes: color to get through the graph quickly and w/o cycles.
var seen_node_hash = {};
// Edges: just listed--hashing would be essentially the same
// as a call to graph.add_edge (I think--benchmark?).
var seen_edge_list = [];
// Define recursive ascent.
function rec_walk(nid){
//console.log('rec_walk on: ' + nid);
var results = [];
//var new_parent_edges = anchor.get_parent_edges(nid, pid);
var new_area_edges = walking_fun.call(anchor, nid, pid);
// Capture edge list for later adding.
each(new_area_edges, function(e){
// Pull extant nodes from edges. NOTE: This is a retread of
// what happens in get_parent_nodes to avoid another call to
// get_parent_edges (as all this is now implemented).
var new_area_nodes = [];
each(new_area_edges, function(edge){
// Make sure that any found edges are in our world.
var obj_id = edge.object_id();
var temp_node = anchor.get_node(obj_id);
if( temp_node ){
new_area_nodes.push( temp_node );
// Make sure we're in there too.
var tmp_node = anchor.get_node(nid);
if( tmp_node ){
new_area_nodes.push( tmp_node );
// Recur on unseen things and mark the current as seen.
each(new_area_nodes, function(new_node){
// Only do things we haven't ever seen before.
var new_node_id = new_node.id();
if( ! seen_node_hash[ new_node_id ] ){
seen_node_hash[ new_node_id ] = new_node;
return results;
// Recursive call and collect data from search. Make multiple
// ids possible.
if( us.isArray(nb_id_or_list) ){
each(nb_id_or_list, function(item){
return [
* Return new ancestors subgraph. Single id or id list as first
* argument. Predicate string/id is optional.
* @param {String|Array} nb_id_or_list - the node id(s) to consider
* @param {String} pid - (optional) over this predicate
* @returns {graph} new bbop model graph
graph.prototype.get_ancestor_subgraph = function(nb_id_or_list, pid){
var anchor = this;
var walk_results =
anchor.walker(anchor.get_parent_edges, nb_id_or_list, pid);
var walked_nodes = walk_results[0];
var walked_edges = walk_results[1];
// Build new graph using data.
var new_graph = anchor.create_graph();
each(walked_nodes, function(node){
each(walked_edges, function(edge){
return new_graph;
* Return new descendents subgraph. Single id or id list as first
* argument. Predicate string/id is optional.
* @param {String|Array} nb_id_or_list - the node id(s) to consider
* @param {String} pid - (optional) over this predicate
* @returns {graph} new bbop model graph
graph.prototype.get_descendent_subgraph = function(nb_id_or_list, pid){
var anchor = this;
var walk_results =
anchor.walker(anchor.get_child_edges, nb_id_or_list, pid);
var walked_nodes = walk_results[0];
var walked_edges = walk_results[1];
// Build new graph using data.
var new_graph = anchor.create_graph();
each(walked_nodes, function(node){
each(walked_edges, function(edge){
return new_graph;
* True or false on whether or not a graph shares the same structure
* as the current graph. This means that the (top-level) nodes have
* the same IDs and every edge connects in the same way.
* This does not compare things like meta information, etc.
* BUG/TODO: This should probably be moved to the superclass. Would
* have an easier time optimizing in there too.
* @param {graph} comp_graph graph to compare against
* @returns {Boolean} well is it?
graph.prototype.is_topologically_equal = function(comp_graph){
var anchor = this;
var ret = false;
/// We're going to use a lot of short-ciruits to get out of the
/// comparison as quickly as possible.
var base_nodes = anchor.all_nodes();
var base_edges = anchor.all_edges();
var comp_nodes = comp_graph.all_nodes();
var comp_edges = comp_graph.all_edges();
if( base_nodes.length === comp_nodes.length &&
base_edges.length === comp_edges.length ){
// Cycle over edges first, as they should be more
// characteristic.
each(base_edges, function(base_edge){
var edge_p = comp_graph.get_edge(base_edge.subject_id(),
if( ! edge_p ){
return false; // failure to find edge - done
// Cycle over nodes next.
each(base_nodes, function(base_node){
var base_node_id = base_node.id();
var node_p = comp_graph.get_node(base_node_id);
if( ! node_p ){
return false; // failure to find edge - done
// We got through the gauntlet, I guess we're good to go
// now.
ret = true;
return ret;
* Add a graph to the current graph, without sharing any of the merged
* in graph's structure.
* @param {graph} - graph
* @returns {boolean} - true; side-effects: more graph
graph.prototype.merge_in = function(in_graph){
var anchor = this;
// First, load nodes; scrape out what we can.
each(in_graph.all_nodes(), function(in_node){
var new_node = in_node.clone();
// Now try to load edges; scrape out what we can.
each(in_graph.all_edges(), function(in_edge){
var new_edge = in_edge.clone();
return true;
* Load the graph from the specified JSON object (not string).
* TODO: a work in progress 'type' not currently imported (just as
* not exported); actually, a lot not imported.
* This is meant to be an minimal importer for a minimal
* format. Subclasses should use something else.
* @param {object} - JSON object
* @returns {boolean} - true; side-effects: creates the graph internally
graph.prototype.load_base_json = function(json_object){
var anchor = this;
// First, load nodes; scrape out what we can.
if( json_object.nodes ){
each(json_object.nodes, function(node_raw){
var nid = node_raw.id;
var nlabel = node_raw.lbl;
var n = anchor.create_node(nid, nlabel);
if(node_raw.meta){ n.metadata(node_raw.meta); }
// Now try to load edges; scrape out what we can.
if( json_object.edges ){
each(json_object.edges, function(edge_raw){
var e = anchor.create_edge(edge_raw.sub, edge_raw.obj, edge_raw.pred);
// Copy out meta.
if(edge_raw.meta){ e.metadata(edge_raw.meta); }
return true;
* Dump out the graph into a JSON-able object.
* TODO: a work in progress; 'type' not currently exported (just as
* not imported)
* @returns {object} - an object that can be converted to a JSON string by dumping.
graph.prototype.to_json = function(){
var anchor = this;
// Copy
var nset = [];
each(anchor.all_nodes(), function(raw_node){
var node = bbop.clone(raw_node);
var ncopy = {};
var nid = node.id();
if(nid){ ncopy['id'] = nid; }
// var nt = node.type();
// if(nt){ ncopy['type'] = nt; }
var nlabel = node.label();
if(nlabel){ ncopy['lbl'] = nlabel; }
var nmeta = node.metadata();
if(nmeta){ ncopy['meta'] = nmeta; }
var eset = [];
var ecopy = bbop.clone(anchor._edge_list);
each(anchor.all_edges(), function(node){
var ecopy = {};
var s = node.subject_id();
if(s){ ecopy['sub'] = s; }
var o = node.object_id();
if(o){ ecopy['obj'] = o; }
var p = node.predicate_id();
if(p){ ecopy['pred'] = p; }
// New exportable.
var ret_obj = {'nodes': nset, 'edges': eset};
return ret_obj;
// Exportable body.
module.exports = {
node: node,
edge: edge,
graph: graph